Nothing in life can`t go smoothly, that is my experience. That is a fact for sure!

      After I decided to change my career and begin a new period of life without stress and worries, something happened. Do you remember my mom? Well, of course, you do...How can you not?

      So, a couple of weeks ago, early in the morning, my dear mom called to tell me, in a crying voice, that she fell by the armchair and that she couldn`t move her left leg. It took her more than half an hour to crawl to the phone to be able to call for my help. It took me 10 minutes to get there. Luckily, my son Marko came with me...If not...

      You see, my mother is a slender lady, she is ˝fifty kilos with a bed˝ like my people used to say, but when we tried to pick her up to put her in bed it was an almost impossible mission. She looked heavier plus cried with pain. Her left hip was injured, and she broke the neck of the femur. Imagine that...

      The ambulance came in ten minutes, took her to the hospital, and in three days she was operated.

      She got out five days after the operation and came to my house. All that was the easiest part... Then, the party started...

     She was never ˝easy-to-handle¨ woman, but now...Oh my God! I prayed to God to give me patience, on a regular basis. I know that he helped, he did for sure, because I prevailed.

     She had to walk using a walker from the start, but she couldn´t because she collapsed a couple of times due to blood loss during the surgery. I am on duty 24/7. Sometimes I wonder if am I a physician, nurse, or waiter. Every couple of minutes there is ˝Vesna give me this or that, Vesna change my diapers ( she can`t go to the toilet on foot for now ), Vesna let me drink or eat, Vesna massage my foot or help me to walk a bit˝, and so on... 

     My life is upside-down, my house also.

     Don´t think that I don´t love her, I do, but everything has its limits. So are my nerves.  

    Luckily I have a way to clean my thoughts and regenerate my poor nerves!

     I adore spring and summer, so when I wake up in the morning sunshine brightens my day and I feel relaxed and full of energy ready to conquer the World right after my morning coffee!

     We all know that time is passing by, but we hardly realize that our parents are getting older just like us and that they are not anymore able like before. It shouldn't be a surprise to us, but it is.

    To be continued...